All files / utils/i18n-normalizer i18n-normalizer.js

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 * Checks if import path is valid
 * @param {string} path - target import path
 * @returns {{ valid: true } | { valid: false, error: string }} validation result
export function validateImportPath (path) {
  if (typeof path !== 'string') {
    return { valid: false, error: `expected string instead of ${typeOf(path)}` }
  if (path === '') {
    return { valid: false, error: 'cannot import empty path' }
  return { valid: true }
 * Normalize Import Array, eliminating invalid import paths
 * @param {string[]} importArray - import list
 * @returns {{ result: string[]; errors: ErrorList }} normalized data with a list of errors found
function normalizeImportArray (importArray) {
  const result = []
  const errors = []
  for (const [index, importPath] of importArray.entries()) {
    const checkResult = validateImportPath(importPath)
    if (!checkResult.valid) {
      errors.push({ path: `.[${index}]`, message: `${checkResult.error}, ignoring import` })
  return { result, errors }
 * Normalize Import string, into an normalized import array
 * @param {unknown} importVal - import data
 * @returns {{ result: string[]; errors: ErrorList }} normalized data with a list of errors found
function normalizesImportValue (importVal) {
  if (importVal === '') {
    return { result: [], errors: [{ path: '', message: 'cannot import empty path, ignoring import' }] }
  if (typeof importVal === 'string') {
    return { result: [importVal], errors: [] }
  if (Array.isArray(importVal)) {
    return normalizeImportArray(importVal)
  return {
    result: [],
    errors: [{ path: '', message: `expected string or string array (string[]) instead of ${typeOf(importVal)}` }],
 * Normalize Translations, eliminating invalid entries
 * @param {Translations} [translations] - translation data
 * @returns {{ result: Translations; errors: ErrorList }} normalized data with a list of errors found
export function normalizeTranslations (translations) {
  if (!isPlainObject(translations)) {
    return {
      result: {},
      errors: [{ path: '', message: `expected a plain object instead of ${typeOf(translations)}` }],
  const validEntries = []
  const errors = []
  for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(translations)) {
    if (typeof value !== 'string') {
      errors.push({ path: propertyPath(key), message: `expected string instead of ${typeOf(value)}` })
    validEntries.push([key, value])
  return { result: Object.fromEntries(validEntries), errors }
 * Normalizes the i18n definition model data
 * @param {I18nDefinition} data - target i18n definition to be normalized
 * @returns {{ result: NormalizedI18nDefinition; errors: ErrorList }} normalized i18n definition with a list of errors found
export function normalizeI18nDefinition (data) {
  if (data === '') {
    return {
      result: { import: [], translations: {} },
      errors: [{ path: '', message: 'cannot import empty path, ignoring import' }],
  if (typeof data === 'string') {
    return { result: { import: [data], translations: {} }, errors: [] }
  if (Array.isArray(data)) {
    const importArrayResult = normalizeImportArray(data)
    const errors = importArrayResult.errors
    const result = { import: importArrayResult.result, translations: {} }
    return { result, errors }
  if (!isPlainObject(data)) {
    return { result: { import: [], translations: {} }, errors: [{ path: '', message: 'invalid type' }] }
  const errors = []
  const hasImport = Object.hasOwn(data, 'import')
  const hasTranslations = Object.hasOwn(data, 'translations')
  const importValue = (() => {
    if (!hasImport) { return [] }
    const importValueResult = normalizesImportValue(data.import)
    errors.push({ path, message }) => ({ path: mergePath('.import', path), message })))
    return importValueResult.result
  const translationsValue = (() => {
    if (!hasTranslations) { return {} }
    const translationsValueResult = normalizeTranslations(data.translations)
    errors.push({ path, message }) => ({ path: mergePath('.translations', path), message })))
    return translationsValueResult.result
  if (hasImport || hasTranslations) {
    return {
      result: { import: importValue, translations: translationsValue },
  return {
    result: { import: [], translations: {} },
    errors: [{ path: '', message: 'invalid object, the object must have "import" or "translations" keys' }],
 * Normalizes the i18n definition map
 * @param {I18nDefinitionMap} data - target i18n definition map to be normalized
 * @returns {NormalizationResult} normalized i18n definition map
export function normalizeI18nDefinitionMap (data) {
  const errors = []
  const warnings = []
  const normalizedEntries = []
  for (const [localeString, i18nDefinition] of Object.entries(data)) {
    let locale
    try {
      locale = new Intl.Locale(localeString)
    } catch {
        path: propertyPath(localeString),
        message: `invalid locale "${localeString}", it will be ignored`,
    const { baseName } = locale
    if (baseName !== localeString) {
      if (data[baseName]) {
          path: propertyPath(localeString),
          message: `invalid locale "${localeString}", it also conflicts with correct locale "${baseName}", it will be ignored`,
        path: propertyPath(localeString),
        message: `invalid locale "${localeString}", fixed to locale "${baseName}"`,
    const normalizedResult = normalizeI18nDefinition(i18nDefinition)
    if (normalizedResult.errors.length) {
      const propPath = propertyPath(localeString)
      errors.push({ path, message }) => ({ path: mergePath(propPath, path), message })))
    normalizedEntries.push([baseName, normalizedResult.result])
  return { result: Object.fromEntries(normalizedEntries), warnings, errors }
 * @param {unknown} targetVar - target object
 * @returns {string} type of object, returns "null" instead of "object" for null value
const typeOf = (targetVar) => targetVar == null ? String(targetVar) : typeof targetVar
 * @param {unknown} value - target object
 * @returns {value is Record<string, unknown>} true if plain object, false otherwise
const isPlainObject = (value) => value?.constructor === Object
 * Transforms property name to a valid property path so it can be used to chain with other properties
 * @param {string} propName - object property key
 * @returns {string} .`propName` for simple popery names, otherwise .[`propName`]
const propertyPath = (propName) => /^[a-z][a-z\d]*$/i.test(propName) ? `.${propName}` : `.[${JSON.stringify(propName)}]`
 * Merge 2 property paths
 * @param {string} prop1 - target property path
 * @param {string} prop2 - property path to merge with target
 * @returns {string} merged property path
const mergePath = (prop1, prop2) => prop1 + (prop2 === '.' || prop2.startsWith('.[') ? prop2.slice(1) : prop2)
/// Type definitions
/** @typedef {Record<string, string>} Translations */
 * @typedef {object} NormalizedI18nDefinition
 * @property {string[]} import - Additional files to import to the definition
 * @property {Translations} translations - translation map
/** @typedef {{[locale: string]: NormalizedI18nDefinition}} NormalizedI18nDefinitionMap */
/** @typedef {string | string[] | { "import"?: string[] | string, translations: Translations} | { "import": string[] | string, translations?: Translations}} I18nDefinition */
/** @typedef {{[locale: string]: I18nDefinition}} I18nDefinitionMap */
/** @typedef {NormalizationIssue[]} ErrorList */
 * @typedef {object} NormalizationIssue
 * An issue found when normalizing i18n configurations
 * @property {string} path - configuration path where the issue is located
 * @property {string} message - the issue description
 * @typedef {object} NormalizationResult
 * @property {NormalizedI18nDefinitionMap} result - normalized value
 * @property {ErrorList} warnings - errors found but automatically fixed (e.g. locale en-UK fixed to en-GB)
 * @property {ErrorList} errors - non-fixable errors found