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content[0] : content } get errorCorrectionLevel () { const errorCorrectionLevelAttr = this.getAttribute(EC_LEVEL_ATTR) return errorCorrectionLevelAttr && isValidECLevel(errorCorrectionLevelAttr) ? errorCorrectionLevelAttr : 'Medium' } set errorCorrectionLevel (errorCorrectionLevel) { if (isValidECLevel(errorCorrectionLevel)) { this.setAttribute(EC_LEVEL_ATTR, errorCorrectionLevel) } } } /** @type {MutationObserverInit} */ const observerOptions = { characterData: true, characterDataOldValue: true, childList: true, attributes: true, subtree: true, } const observer = new MutationObserver((records) => { const updatedNodes = new Set() for (const record of records) { const { target } = record if (target instanceof QRCodeElement) { updatedNodes.add(target) } else if (target.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { const { parentElement } = target if (parentElement instanceof QRCodeElement) { updatedNodes.add(target.parentElement) } if (parentElement instanceof HTMLDataElement && parentElement.parentElement instanceof QRCodeElement) { updatedNodes.add(parentElement.parentElement) } } else if (target instanceof HTMLDataElement && target.parentElement instanceof QRCodeElement) { updatedNodes.add(target.parentElement) } } updatedNodes.forEach(el => el instanceof QRCodeElement && applyQrCode(el)) }) /** * @param {QRCodeElement} element - target QRCodeElement component element */ async function applyQrCode (element) { const { QrCode, parseQrCodeColorsFromElement, parseQrCodeStylesFromElement, createSvgTag, createImgTag } = await import('./qr-code.async-loader.js') const typeNumber = 0 const { shadowRoot } = element if (!shadowRoot) { return } const { qrCodeContent } = element if (!qrCodeContent) { return } const oldQr = qrCodeData.get(element) const qr = new QrCode(typeNumber, element.errorCorrectionLevel) for (const content of [qrCodeContent].flat()) { qr.addData(content) } qr.make() qrCodeData.set(element, qr) const colors = parseQrCodeColorsFromElement(element) const style = parseQrCodeStylesFromElement(element) const marginComputedStyle = getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue('--qrcode-margin').trim() const cellSize = 2 const margin = /^\d+$/.test(marginComputedStyle) ? +marginComputedStyle * cellSize : undefined const renderMode = getRenderMode(element) if (renderMode === 'svg') { const svg = createSvgTag({ qrcode: qr, colors, cellSize, margin, scalable: isResizeEnabled(element), style }) shadowRoot.innerHTML = svg return } const imgHtml = createImgTag({ qrcode: qr, colors, cellSize, margin, style }) const oldImgElement = shadowRoot.querySelector('img') if (oldImgElement) { const updated = updateImgElement(oldImgElement, imgHtml) if (!updated) { shadowRoot.innerHTML = imgHtml } } else { shadowRoot.innerHTML = imgHtml } if (oldQr && (oldQr.dataList.length !== qr.dataList.length || oldQr.dataList.some((val, index) => !== qr.dataList[index].data))) { const customEvent = new CustomEvent('qrcode-content-change', { detail: { previousQRCode: oldQr, qrCode: qr } }) element.dispatchEvent(customEvent) } } const correctionLevelNames = new Set(['Medium', 'Low', 'High', 'Quartile'].flatMap(ec => [ec.toUpperCase(), ec[0]])) /** * @param {string} ecLevel - Error correction level to validate */ function isValidECLevel (ecLevel) { return correctionLevelNames.has(ecLevel.toUpperCase()) } /** * QR Code can have multiple data inside it, for that reason there are 2 structures this element supports: * * 1. Using textContent - gets the element text content, processes the whitespace and converts to a QR Code image * 2. Using <data> child elements - each child element will be processed the join together before converting to a QR Code image * * It is possible to have both, but when it happens, <data> will take priority, and the text content in the element is to be ignored * @param {QRCodeElement} element - target qr code element * @returns {string[] | null} QR code contents */ function queryQrContent (element) { const dataChildElements = element.querySelectorAll(':scope > data') if (dataChildElements.length > 0) { const contentArray = Array.from(dataChildElements).map(dataChild => { const { textContent } = dataChild if (!textContent) { return '' } const preProcessAttr = dataChild.hasAttribute(DATA_WHITESPACE_ATTR) ? dataChild.getAttribute(DATA_WHITESPACE_ATTR) : element.getAttribute(DATA_WHITESPACE_ATTR) return preProcess(textContent, preProcessAttr || '') }).filter(content => content !== '') return contentArray.length > 0 ? contentArray : null } const { textContent } = element return textContent ? [preProcess(textContent, element.getAttribute(DATA_WHITESPACE_ATTR) || '')] : null } /** * Updates the image element. * * Replacing the element with another <img> will make the image flash and re-render twice, * one for the updated HTML without the previous image, as it is loading, and another time with the loaded image, this * will make it update once without making it flash * @param {HTMLImageElement} imageElement - target <img> element * @param {string} imgHtml img rendered with {@link createImgTag} * @returns {boolean} true if updated correctly, false if something failed. If false, applyQrCode() will fallback to replace the <img> */ function updateImgElement (imageElement, imgHtml) { const imgDom = new DOMParser().parseFromString(imgHtml, 'text/html').querySelector('img') if (!imgDom) { return false } imageElement.src = imgDom.src imageElement.width = imgDom.width imageElement.height = imgDom.height return true } /** * Gets the render mode to be used: * - if mode is "raster", it will render the qrcode as an rasterized image * - if mode is "svg", it will render the qrcode as a scalable image using SVG * @param {QRCodeElement} element - target qr code element * @returns {"raster"|"svg"} render mode */ function getRenderMode (element) { const renderModeCss = (getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue('--qrcode-render') || '').trim().toLowerCase() if (renderModeCss === 'svg') return 'svg' if (renderModeCss === 'raster') return 'raster' if (isResizeEnabled(element)) return 'svg' return 'raster' } /** * @param {QRCodeElement} element - target qr code element * @returns {boolean} true if resize enabled */ function isResizeEnabled (element) { const resizeCss = (getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue('--qrcode-resize') || '').trim().toLowerCase() return resizeCss === 'true' || resizeCss === 'yes' || resizeCss === 'enabled' || resizeCss === 'enable' } |